Terms and Conditions

EXCLUSIONS: Ductwork, Electronic Air Cleaners, Condensate Pumps, Window A/C Units, Water Lines, Pre- Existing Conditions, Reversing Valve and Compressor repair come with one year warranty, Refrigerants over 2 lbs. Annually, Cosmetic Damage or Defects, Service work needed to meet code violations, Restoration, repair or replacement of; drywall, floor coverings, plaster, cabinets, counter tops, tiling and paint, Removal of hazardous products or materials, including mold and asbestos, Premium PMA Member must still be under Manufacturer’s Warranty, Manufacturer’s defect or recall. 

TERMS & CONDITIONS: One year term with auto-renewal, Customer may cancel at any time during the one-year term; however, any repair discounts received during this period must be paid back before cancellation is completed, Contract Starts on enrollment date, Discounts available upon enrollment date, Customer may elect to not renew agreement by providing notice in writing prior to the start of the 2nd renewal term, System or equipment must be properly installed and in proper working order located in an accessible and safe environment for the authorized repair technician 

COVERAGE: All components and parts within covered system, all parts within the heating unit casing, Ducted electric central air unit, Fan forced, Thermostats, Owner occupied family residence, Owner occupied condo, townhome and apartment properties, No commercial properties, Drain Line Guarantee: For duration of maintenance program the condensate line will be cleared as part of semi-annual maintenance and safety inspections twice per year. In addition, any diagnostic performed by First responder that requires a condensate line to be cleared and will be guaranteed for no additional charge for this service.